
I provide visiting lecturer services to various public and private institutions. I have more than ten years of experience of teaching Business related subjects and engaging with home and international students in the UK higher education sector. I provide high-quality learning and support to prepare students for study in higher education particularly those who benefited least from their previous educational experiences. I have developed a deep understanding of the culturally embedded learning needs of the distinct students and the learners from a background of relative educational disadvantage.

I make sure that my lectures are informative, interesting, and engaging, the content is well organised and easy to follow, students feel involved, students leave wondering where the time has gone, and the students leave knowing that they have learned something and are often inspired to go off and find out more. Students are increasingly heterogeneous and have multiple identities which in turn create a multiplicity of learning needs. I promote teaching and learning that cover different learning styles. I always take a student-focused approach to teaching and learning and encourage students towards a deep approach to study. This approach is typified by an intention to understand and seek meaning, leading students to attempt to relate concepts to existing understanding and to each other, to distinguish between new ideas and existing knowledge, and to critically evaluate and determine key themes and concepts. 

Whilst designing and planning learning activities and/or programmes of study, I follow the five Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ), and subject benchmark statements which set out the nature and characteristics of degrees and the outcomes graduates are expected to achieve in specific subject areas. Assessment and giving feedback to learners includes in my teaching responsibilities. During my PhD studies, I received regular feedback on my work by the supervisors. The personal experience and professional values I learnt from my supervisors have proved to be very useful in my teaching career, and I have applied and transferred them onwards to my students while assessing their work and giving them feedback. I make sure the feedback is meeting seven criteria: consistency, reliability, validity, levelness, transparency, inclusivity, and objectivity. I truly follow the professional values described by the UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education. I respect individual learners and diverse learning communities, promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners, use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional development, and acknowledge the wider context in which higher education operates recognising the implications for professional practice.

I also help the students in developing study skills that are specific to higher education like conventions of academic writing, styles for references and bibliographies, searching for and selecting information in libraries, using the internet, note taking from lectures, making presentations, and revision and exam techniques. Further to my formal teaching, I provide one to one support to students and run tutorial classes. I apply a range of support and guidance techniques and practices to support groups and individual learners in diverse learning communities. My priority is to manage the physical environment of the classroom, so that each learner can feel respected and can interact and fully engage. My students are encouraged to interrupt me with their questions and queries during lecturing, and a friendly learning environment where students feel free to interrupt is created. I am comfortable working with different online platforms, such as Moodle, Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), MS Teams, Webinar and Zoom.

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